
Stylized Rendering as a Function of Expectation

Published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2024), 2024

A step towards integrating non-photorealistic stylizations into physically-based rendering systems.

Recommended citation: Rex West and Sayan Mukherjee. "Stylized Rendering as a Function of Expectation." ACM Trans. Graph. 43, 4, Article 96 (July 2024), 19 pages.

Neural Sequence Transformation

Published in Computer Graphics Forum; Pacific Graphics Conference 2021, 2021

Using neural networks to perform sequence transformation.

Recommended citation: Mukherjee, Sabyasachi; Mukherjee, Sayan; Hua, Binh-Son; Umetani, Nobuyuki and Meister, Daniel. "Neural Sequence Transformation." Computer Graphics Forum (Wiley), Volume 40, Issue 7, Pages 131-140 (2021).

Expected return time to the initial state for biochemical systems with linear cyclic chains: unidirectional and bidirectional reactions

Published in Sādhanā, 2019

Maximum subgraphs without hypergraph families.

Recommended citation: Mukherjee, Sayan; Ghosh, Debraj and De, Rajat K. "Expected return time to the initial state for biochemical systems with linear cyclic chains: unidirectional and bidirectional reactions." Sādhanā (Springer India) Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 1-12 (2019).

Neuberg Locus and its Properties

Published in Journal of Classical Geometry, 2013

Neuberg Locus and its properties.

Recommended citation: Banerjee, Debdyuti and Mukherjee, Sayan. "Neuberg Locus And Its Properties." Journal of Classical Geometry, Volume 2 (26) (2013).